IBHRS Certification


There is one phase of testing for IBHRS Certification, and it takes place in a testing environment. Once certified through the testing environment, the production data can be immediately reported. Any issues after certification will need to be resolved by getting error reports from IBHRS. 

IBHRS setup is limited to the best practice workflow. Billing codes are a mix of what IBHRS accepts. If a use case cannot be tested using the IBHRS site, a request needs to be made to see if it can be accommodated without changing the workflow. Examples would be billing out a certain Activity or reporting a Service as a different type than what it is currently configured as. Billing from Clinical is sent to the Billing Engine. You must convert a Service into a Line Item and update the Print Status to N for the data to be exported.



  • 2 error-free Client exports
  • 2 error-free Treatment exports
  • 2 error-free Service exports

Each export must have a minimum of 2 clients. This would be 2 sets of complete Treatment (e.g. a set of newly admitted clients with a treatment episode, service and discharge).


  • Multiple clients that reflect similar use-cases for actual clients, examples:
    • Client screened but treatment not recommended
    • Client screened and admitted for treatment but doesn't show for treatment
    • Client screened and admitted for treatment with a number of services then discharged
    • Client screened and admitted for treatment with services, transferred to a different level of care, admitted to residential for a week then transferred to outpatient to complete treatment
    • Any other scenarios that would reflect workflows experienced by an agency

Important Sites

  • IBHRS UAT site: credentials are provided by IBHRS.
  • NextStep IBHRS certification site: credentials are provided by your Account Manager. Users will be restricted to a single location and a single user for entering test data based on best practice workflow.

Certification at a Glance

  1. Access the NextStep IBHRS test site.
  2. Generate data for fake clients based on the IBHRS Workflow.
  3. Access the IBHRS test Billing Engine and Convert Services into Line Items.
  4. Access the IBHRS Export Tool to validate that the data you have entered is acceptable.
  5. Export the data and upload it to the IBHRS UAT site. See IDPH's IBHRS End User Guide.

Note: For additional resources on the IBHRS submission process, please see Iowa Department of Public Health's IBHRS Documentation.

IBHRS UAT Upload Example:

IBHRS UAT Results Example:

IBHRS Validation Details: