iPad Application: Forms & Supported Form Fields

The iPad application requires specific user licenses. Contact your Account Manager for more information.


The Form Selection screen is organized into three sections: Forms, Camera Forms, and Incomplete Forms.


The Forms section displays the available Forms for the patient depending on the Program they are admitted to. If a Form is configured to only be completed once for the patient, then it will only show in the list if this patient has not yet had that Form sealed. The iPad application only supports the following Form Fields. If non-supported fields are included in a Form on the Clinical site, the fields will not display in the iPad application. If these fields are required on the Form, you'll receive an error message when you attempt to seal the Form.

  • Billing
  • Body text
  • Date
  • Date of service
  • Dropdown
  • DSM5 Diagnosis
  • Field reference
  • Header display only
  • Horizontal separator
  • Integer
  • Memo
  • Select all that apply
  • Select only one
  • Text (supports Time validation fields)
  • Yes/no

Sealing a Form can only be completed if you're online. Doing so updates the Clinical site to display the Form and any diagnoses that were added or removed for the patient since the last time a Form was sealed. After sealing a Form, the Form Selection screen is displayed. If you attempt to seal a Form while offline, you'll receive an error message where you can tap the Okay button and then the Back button to return to the Form Selection Screen.

  1. After logging in to the iPad application, select the Patient from the Patient Selection Screen.
  2. Tap the Form name to be completed.

  1. Fill in the appropriate fields for the Form. Fields with an asterisk are mandatory fields.


  • If the patient has any references or auto-fill fields from a previous Form, those will be filled out when the Form is created.
  • In the Diagnostics section, tap the Open DSM-V button to add a patient diagnosis. For more information, see iPad Application: DSM-V Screen.
  • The Follow Up In: section is displayed at the bottom of all Forms. When a radio button is selected, the number displays next to the patient's name on the Patient Selection screen. This information is kept in the iPad application, does not link to the Clinical site, and is a reminder to the doctor that the patient needs to be seen again.

  1. Select one of the following options.
  • Save: Saves any changes that have been made to the Form.
  • Save and Exit: Saves any changes that have been made and returns you to the Form Selection screen for the current patient.
  • Cancel: Asks you if you want to discard any changes that have been made since the last time the Form was saved. 
    • If the Form has not been saved before, it will remove the Form altogether. If you want to complete the Form at another time, the Form can be selected again.
    • If you accept, you will be returned to the Form Selection screen for the patient.
  • Remove: Asks you if you want to delete the current Form. If you accept, the Form will be deleted and you will be returned to the Form Selection screen for that patient. If you want to complete the Form at another time, the Form can be selected again.
  • E-Signature/Seal: Asks you if you want to sign and seal the Form. The application will alert you if there are any required fields that haven't been completed.

Camera Forms

The Camera Forms section displays fields that allow you to take a picture of a Form for the Face Sheet and upload it. The level of functionality for this feature depends on whether you are online or offline

  • When online, the photo will be uploaded to the Face Sheet on the Clinical site. After completing a form, the Form Selection screen will display. 
  • When offline, you will be able to take a photo of the Form but it will not be uploaded to the Clinical site. Instead, it will be saved until you are online.

When one of the fields is selected for the first time, you will be prompted to grant the application permission to use the camera.

  • Click Yes, to open the camera and take the picture.
  • Click No, to enable this permission from the iPad Settings in the future.

To delete the Form, click the Cancel button and to save the photo to the Incomplete Forms list, click the Confirm button.

Incomplete Forms

The Incomplete Forms area displays Forms that have been saved but not yet sealed for the patient and saved Face Sheet fields that have not yet been uploaded.

  • After logging in to the iPad application, select the Patient from the Patient Selection Screen, then tap the Form name to reopen the Form.
  • After logging in to the iPad application, select the Patient from the Patient Selection Screen, then tap the Face Sheet field to upload a photo.