Convert Services Into Line Items

Path: Navigation Form > Services button


Services are either manually entered into NSS Billing or are passed to NSS Billing from several areas such as from Notes, Forms, or the Scheduler. Each Service has an Activity Code that represents the activity performed. By converting Services to Line Items, you're taking the Activity Codes and turning them into billable Line Items, which will either be printed to paper or sent to the clearinghouse electronically.

Recalc Services

  1. Navigate to the Service Filters Form by following the path above.
  2. Use the Bill Status drop-down to select NOT BILLED ONLY.

Note: You can filter further by utilizing the fields in this form, such as by service date range, client, etc.

  1. Click OK. Services are displayed based on the filters that were set.
  2. Convert Services to Line Items:
  • Recalc List: Click the button to convert all Services to Line Items.
  • Recalc Selected: Click the button to convert a selected Service to a Line Item.

  1. Click Yes to confirm you want to recalc the displayed items. Services that have been successfully converted to Line Items will change to a Bill Status of "0" and be removed from the grid since your filter is set to show statuses of NOT BILLED ONLY.

Note: At the time a Service is converted into a Line Item it will also create a Line Item for Private Pay for the Copay you have set in the client's insurance.

  1. Review the Bill Status for any remaining services in the grid and correct any issues. Click here to learn more about Bill Status Codes and Resolutions.

Note: Bill Status is displayed in the lower left-hand corner for a selected Service. It is also displayed in the Bill Status Code column in the grid. You may need to scroll to the right in the grid to find the column. Columns can be rearranged by selecting the column name and dragging it to where you want it to be displayed.