Set Up Authorization Tracker Status Colors

Path: Main Menu > Admin Tools Menu > System Setup (Supplemental) > Auth Tracker


Administrator users can designate specific colors to represent statuses of client Authorizations displayed in the Authorization Tracker. 

Manage Authorization Track Status Colors

  1. Navigate to the Auth Tracker Status/Colors section by following the path above.
  2. The following Variables represent a specific status and the colors displayed in the Color column are associated with that status of the Authorization. To change the color for each status, click into the row and select a color from the drop-down or type a HEX value into the field. 
  • Auth 0 Units:  When the Authorization Tracker shows 0 Units or Visits/Days left, it displays the color selected in the Color column. The Value column cannot be edited.
  • Auth 1 Units: When the Authorization Tracker shows 0 Units or Visits/Days left, it displays the color selected in the Color column. The Value column cannot be edited.
  • Auth 2 Units: When the Authorization Tracker shows 0 units or Visits/Days left, it displays the color selected in the Color column. The Value column cannot be edited.
  • Auth Expired: When the client Authorization is past the Expiration Date, it displays the color selected in the Color column. The Value column cannot be edited.
  • Auth Expiration Reminder: To set an expiration reminder as the client's Authorization approaches an Expiration Date, double-click into the Value Column and type how many days before the Authorization expires that you want a specific color to display. 
  • Auth Overuse: When a client's approved amount of Authorizations are overused, it displays the color selected in the Color column. The Value column cannot be edited.
  • Auth Variable Units: This option can be used to display a color for a specific # of Units or Visits/Days left on the Authorization. Double-click into the Value Column and type how many Units/Visits remaining you want a specific color to display. 

Example colors:

In the example below, today's date is 7/19/2021, and the Authorization has exceeded its Expiration Date. The Authorization is displayed in the pink color we set for Auth Expired in the Auth Tracker Status/Color section above.

In the example below, today's date is 7/19/2021 and we've set the Auth Expiration Reminder to a value of 4 days. The Authorization is displayed in the gray color we set for Auth Expiration Reminder in the Auth Tracker Status/Color section above, since it will expire within 4 days.

In the example below, we set the Auth Variable Units to a value of 5. The Authorization only has 5 Units remaining so this Authorization is displayed in the blue color we set for Auth Variable Units in the Auth Tracker Status/Color section above.