Manage Client Authorizations Using Reports


The following reports can be run in NextStep Clinical to help you manage Authorizations. 

  • Client Authorizations report: Gives you an overview of the status of your client's Authorizations while providing information such as Authorizations that are expiring soon or running low.
  • Unconfirmed Auths report: Displays Authorizations that have yet to be confirmed to the Billing Engine by your staff.

Run the Client Authorizations Report

  1. Navigate to Administrative Reports: Main Menu > Reports Menu > Administrative Reports.
  2. Under Administration, click the Insurance Authorizations Management button.
  3. The report displays Authorizations that expire within 30 days as default. Change the Effective Date on or After and the Expiration Date on or Before drop-downs as necessary or select another radio button such as Expires in 7 days or Expires in 14 days to change the Expiration Date on or Before drop-down date.
  4. (Optional) Click the Current Primary Program drop-down to select a Program.
  5. (Optional) Click the Current Location drop-down to select a Location.
  6. Click the Run Report button.


  • You can drag and drop the Visits Remaining and Expire Date columns to columns 1 and 2 for easier viewing.

  1. (Optional) Click the Export to button to export the report.
  2. (Optional) Click the Client Name to be taken to the Misc Note where you can manage the client's Authorizations.
  3. Click the Return button to exit the report.

Run the Unconfirmed Auths Report

  1. Navigate to the Unconfirmed Auths Report: Main Menu > Reports Menu > Reports.
  2. Click the Unconfirmed Auths button.
  3. Sort by selecting a radio button: Last Name, First Name, Auth Date, Added By, or Insurance Name.

  1. Use the list and navigate to the Authorization Tracker for each client listed to click Confirm to Billing. See Send Authorization Information to Billing Engine in Add a New Authorization. The Authorization is no longer displayed on the list once the information has been sent to the Billing Engine.
  2. Click the Main Menu button to exit the report.