11.10.0 Release Notes

Estimated Release Date (Beta):  9/29/2024

Enhancements and New Features:

Release 11.10.0

Users can now click to get their passwords reset if they have forgotten them.

NSS Login Screen > Forgot Password?
Users, who have an email address assigned to their account in User Maintenance, are now able to change their own password if they forgot their password.  The NextStep login page now includes a link a user may click if they forgot their password.

After clicking this link, if the user is active and has a valid email address set in their user account, that email address will be emailed a link to a page where the password may be reset.  Administrators should review Maintain Users to ensure users have email addresses.
Improve Demographic field orderMain Menu > Face Sheet > Edit > Client Information section
The standard demographic fields were reordered to group similar items together.  The new order is:
  • Race:
  • Ethnicity:
  • Birth Sex:
  • Gender Identity:
  • Orientation:
  • Preferred Pronouns:
  • Language:
  • Religion:
Adjustments to existing whitelist featureNextStep currently supports a whitelist feature. This feature is used to designate which User Roles are able to see only the Forms added in this list when viewing the Document Center. Users can still see ALL forms in the Clinical Forms sections. User Roles with no Forms added to the list, are able to see all Forms when viewing the Document Center.
You can now turn a new toggle, Show ALL Forms in Clinical Forms sections, OFF in Main Menu > Admin Tools Menu > System Setup (Supplemental) > User Roles tab. When you do, a user that belongs to a role that includes a whitelist of documents will not be able to see any of the forms that do not appear in the whitelist, regardless of where they are in NextStep.
Census Billing now shows Designations in Diagnosis DropdownMain Menu > Progress Notes > Census Billing
In Census Billing, you will now see the designation, code, and description when viewing the Diagnosis dropdown. If there are multiple diagnoses for that client, they will be listed in a hierarchy and by order. Any discontinued or ruled-out diagnoses will not appear on this list.
Apply Activity Code Min/Max Times to Clinical Billing Data box

Clinical > Main Menu > Admin Tools > System Setup (Supplemental) > Billing Configuration

NextStep has a new setup option that, when enabled, applies the rules in the Minimum Time to Bill and Maximum Time to Bill fields in the Master Activity Code Form in Billing, which will now carry over to the Clinical Billing Data box. Applying these rules to the Billing Data box will not allow the user to finalize a note/form without meeting the time criteria set up in Billing. 

Your agency must have NextStep Billing to use this feature.

"Program" column added to Service Details clinical reportReports: Administrative Reports > Billing/Financial: Service Details Report
The Service Details Report previously did not show the program attached to the client’s service. It has now been added to the report view as well as a filter option at the top of the report.
Support for excluding some Notes and Forms from EHI exportsMain Menu > Admin Tools > Note Setup*
NextStep provides the ability to export Electronic Health Information (EHI) for one or all clients.  You can now indicate on a Form or Note whether that item should NOT be included in the EHI exports..
*  In Form Setup, the option appears at the bottom of the list of User Defined Form Properties list.

Issues Resolved:

Release 11.10.0

eMar displays schedules for wrong users.The eMAR used to allow a user to perform a series of clicks, selecting one client after another.  This could create a situation where, due to the time needed to fetch and load the data, the system could end up looking like it was showing data that didn’t match the current client selection.

This issue has been resolved.
eMAR: Some medications and treatments showing erroneous late passes around midnight
Main Menu > Treatment Planning > eMAR

In eMAR when some medications or treatments were scheduled to be passed near midnight, they would sometimes be shown as late even if they were given/performed.
This issue has been resolved.
Unexpected discharges from Beds

An issue was reported that when a user updated a Program for a client, and that update did not require a Location change, sometimes the client would be erroneously discharged from their bed.
This has been resolved.