11.9.10 Release Notes

Estimated Release Date (all agencies):  8/11/2024

Feature Enhancement:

Release 11.9.10

New Setup Option to Make Client Insurance Subscriber Fields Required

*dependent upon Billing 7.8.1 Release

NextStep Billing > Maintenance and Setup > Configuration Options > System tab > CTB tab > Page4 tab    

There is now an option to ‘Require Client Insurance Subscriber Number, Name, Address, and DOB for non-Private Pay Party Types’. This will affect the Client Insurance in both Clinical and NextStep Billing.

When this box is checked, the following listed fields in Client Insurance will be required before being able to Save the Client Insurance.

  • Subscriber Number
  • Subscriber First Name
  • Subscriber Last Name
  • DOB
  • Address
  • City
  • State
  • Zip

By default, this setup option will not be checked.

Issues Resolved:

Release 11.9.10

Consistent Terminology: Update DSM-V to DSM-5

Various locations

All references to “DSM-V” have been changed to “DSM-5” where they could be changed programmatically.  Note that some NextStep sites utilize a Dictionary Term for certain labels that may still be set to “DSM-V”.  Contact NextStep support if you notice a discrepancy and would like support to update the Dictionary Term.

Error when using Quick Navigation after editing Client Information

There was an error such that if you edited a client (e.g. changed the Primary Provider) from the Quick Navigation bar and saved your changes, then looked up the same client on the Quick Nav bar, and clicked Edit, you would get the error "Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted. Requested operation requires a current record."

This issue has been fixed.

Navigation error attempting to visit a Reminder after Updating Face Sheet data

In the past, if a person attempted to open a specific reminder after performing an update on a client’s Face Sheet, the system would present a blank white box on the Reminders page and appear to stop working.  

This issue has been fixed.

Census Billing - Inconsistent auto-populate in Diagnosis

Main Menu > Progress Notes > Census Billing

Previously in Census Billing there was inconsistent behavior where for some clients the Diagnosis was auto-populating and for others, it was not.  This would happen even if a client had a single diagnosis.

This issue has been fixed.

Census Billing Diagnosis Text Saving to Billing Value

Main Menu > Progress Notes > Census Billing

Previously, if you manually selected a diagnosis for a client from the dropdown in Census Billing in NextStep Clinical, that diagnosis was not sent to NextStep Billing accurately. 

This issue has been fixed.

Change to "Status" column on the Line Item AR by Date Type report

Main Menu > Practice Management > Billing Reports > Line Item AR by Date Type

Previously, the Status column in the report displayed either NOT SENT or SENT. Now, the Status column has been repurposed as the Print Status column to match the Status seen in the Line Items in NextStep Billing.