Treatment Plan Template: Add and Inactivate Objective Benchmarks

Path: Main Menu > Admin Tools > Treatment Plan Template and Program Setup


Benchmarks are used to make Treatment Plan Objectives more measurable. They can be set up by your Agency so that they can be attached to Objectives that you add to Goals in Treatment Plan Template Setup.

Example of Benchmarks in the Define new Objectives section of a Goal:

Add Objective Benchmark Options

  1. Navigate to Treatment Plan Template and Program Setup by following the path above.
  2. Select the Edit Objectives radio button.
  3. Click the Continue button.
  4. Click the Benchmark Setup button.

  1. In the Qualifiers section, click the New button.

  1. Click into the Qualifier field and enter the qualifier (e.g. at least/more than/less than).
  2. Click the Save changes button.
  3. In the Units section, click the New button.

  1. Click into the Unit field and enter the unit options (e.g. per day/per week/per month/by next session/hours per day/hours per week/hours per month/events/units/examples/times per day/times per week/times per month, etc.)
  2. Click the Save changes button. Repeat as necessary to add additional qualifiers/units.

Inactivate Objective Benchmark Options

  1. Navigate to Treatment Plan Template and Program Setup: Main Menu > Admin Tools > Treatment Plan Template and Program Setup.
  2. Select the Edit Objectives radio button.
  3. Click the Continue button.
  4. Click the Benchmark Setup button.
  5. In the Qualifiers or Units section, deselect the Active checkbox(es) for the Qualifier(s) and/or Unit(s) you'd like to make inactive.

  1. Click the Save changes button.