Send, Print, or Sign a Prescription


Within NextStep, Providers can easily access Prescription Reports where prescriptions for multiple clients can be managed in one place. From here, Providers can send, print, and sign prescriptions. The report can be filtered by Provider, Patient, Drug Type, and Status. Additionally, prescriptions can be sent, printed, or signed directly from a client's Prescription Management section of the Patient Summary page.

Send, Print, or Sign a Prescription from a Client's Prescription Management

  1. Navigate to Prescription Management of the Patient Summary: Main Menu > Treatment Planning Menu > Medication Plan > DrFirst button.
  2. Select the checkbox(es) of the Prescriptions you want to take action on.
  3. If you are a Provider, enter your Signature Password (signature passphrase).

  1. Click one of the following buttons:
  • If you are a Provider:
    • Send: Electronically sends the prescription to the pharmacy.
    • Send & Print: Electronically sends the prescription to the pharmacy and prints a watermarked copy of the prescription.
    • Print don't Send: Prints the prescription but does not send it electronically. This can be used if the client doesn't know which pharmacy they want to use.
    • Sign don't Send: Signs the medication and adds it to the active medication list. This does not electronically send a prescription to the pharmacy. This can be used if the client received a sample.
  • If you are a Provider Agent:
    • Send, signature to follow: Electronically sends the prescription to the pharmacy and adds it to the queue to be acknowledged.

Send, Print, or Sign a Prescription from the Prescription Report

  1. Navigate to the Prescription Report: Navigation Menu > DRFIRST - REPORT.
  2. Select Pending (prescriptions that have not had any action taken on them) from the Status drop-down. You can use the Provider, Patient, or Drug Type fields to narrow your search further, if necessary.
  3. Take one of the following actions:

  • If you are a Provider:
    • Send: Electronically sends the prescription to the pharmacy.
    • Send & Print: Electronically sends the prescription to the pharmacy and prints a watermarked copy of the prescription.
    • Print don't Send: Prints the prescription but does not send it electronically. This can be used if the client doesn't know which pharmacy they want to use.
    • Sign don't Send: Signs the medication and adds it to the active medication list. This does not electronically send a prescription to the pharmacy. This can be used if the client received a sample.
  • If you are a Provider Agent:
    • Send, signature to follow: Electronically sends the prescription to the pharmacy and adds it to the queue to be acknowledged.