Admissions FAQs

Why can't I find a client in NextStep?

Check the following:

  • Check the location you are working. If you are working in a single location the client may be in a different location.
  • Check the client select filter, if “Active Clients” is selected and the client is in pre-admit or discharged they are being filtered out.
  • Check if the client was moved to a different location to seek treatment and you do not have access to that location.

Why won’t my client show up under Pre-Admit Forms?

If your client has been admitted to a program, they will not display Pre-Admit forms.

How do we update incorrect admit dates for long-term patients with multiple cases?

The admit date for past cases cannot be updated on the Face Sheet. Instead, you will have to navigate to the Document Center and change it from there. Click here to learn more.