Use Authorizations


Authorizations are applied to visits that match the Activity Code(s) that were added in the Authorization Tracker. When using approved units or visits, the Authorization Tracker will update and display the Authorizations used and what still remains.

Use Authorizations

  1. Navigate to a Note or the Form from the Main Menu.
  2. Search for the client if the client is not already displayed.
  3. In the Billing widget, complete the following information pertaining to the Authorization:
  • Activity Code: Select the authorized Activity Code.
  • Start Time: Enter the visit start time.
  • Stop Time: Enter the visit stop time.
  • Units: If the Authorization is approved for a certain amount of units, make sure to enter the number of units used in the Units field. If you do not see a Units drop-down, contact NSS Support.
  • Authorization: This field populates based on the Activity Code that was selected and authorized by the insurance.

Note: The date of service must be within the authorization Effective/Expire Dates in order to reduce the number of units/visits used.

  1. Depending on where you are accessing the Billing widget, complete any additional information in the Note or Form as necessary.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page, and click the Enter Note (final) button.
  3. Enter your Password, or select the Use E-Signatures button.
  4. When you return to a Note, Face Sheet, or ITP (PCP), the number of remaining authorizations has decreased.

Note: The Service will be sent to the Billing Engine as it always does when using the Billing widget. However, if the Authorization was not previously Confirmed To Billing, you may get a Bill Status 16 error when trying to convert the Service to a Line Item. In order to resolve this Bill Status, see Send Authorization Information to Billing Engine in Add a New Authorization.