11.9.2 Beta Release Notes

Released (beta agencies): 6/30/2024

New Features:

Release 11.9.2

Client Signature may be set as required on Treatment Plan

Your state or agency may require that Treatment Plans be signed by the client before being finalized. You now have the option to set this requirement.

To require the client signature on the Treatment Plan before Finalizing:

  • Go to the Treatment Plan Setup (PCP Setup) in System Setup Supplemental and 

  • Set the new Require Client Signature on Treatment Plans on.

Then the E-Signature button on the Treatment Plan will be grayed out until the Client Signature is obtained.

IBHRS Date Range for Treatments and Services. (beta)
When Reloading the Treatment Plan Episode Data or the Service Event Data, the user can now set a date such that only data after that date is loaded.  Note that the data still takes the same amount of time to load.  If you currently run this process after hours, you should continue to do so. We are interested in your feedback on this new feature to help limit the amount of data displayed.