11.9.13 Release Notes

Actual Release Date (agencies using Insig for Telehealth):  9/8/2024
Estimated Release Date (all agencies):  deployed with 11.9.14 on 9/22/24

Issues Resolved:

Release 11.9.13

Scheduler updated to address Telehealth issues

*** Important: Any end user who has an Insig login for hosting telehealth sessions will need to go to the Insig Dashboard from the Main Menu and re-enter their credentials after the update is complete.  See screenshots below.

A customer reported an issue with the scheduler hanging when they dragged a telehealth appointment to schedule it. Updates were needed to address modifications in the Telehealth interfaces.  While working on that, additional items were resolved.  This update includes:

  • Fixing the issue when telehealth appointments are dragged onto a calendar slot and the cursor spins

  • Handling seasonal issues related to Daylight Saving Time

  • Correcting an issue where modifying one group member’s telehealth appointment could impact the telehealth appointments of other group members.

After the update - for end users who host telehealth appointments:

  • Go to Main Menu > Treatment Planning > Insig Telehealth Dashboard

  • When prompted, enter your Insig credentials

  • If your agency has customized the wording or layout of your Main Menu, your screens may not match the screenshots below.  Please contact your agency’s  NextStep Administrator for specific steps for your environment.
