Services Preprocessor

Path: File > Services > Services > Services - Preprocessor Form


The Services Preprocessor Form uses the rules entered into the Activity Code Bundle Setup to create a new billable service for open Line items associated with the Base Activity Code.  

The only required filters are the Beginning and Ending date range. Other filter options are available by clicking the Filters button. The Services Preprocessor will only combine services within the entered date range so be sure to be exclusive or inclusive here.

Services that have a Base Activity Code added to the Activity Code Bundle Setup must have a Bill Status of 0 to appear in the Services Preprocessor previewed list. The user must Recalc in the Services Form before Generating in the Services Preprocessor.

Preview in the Services Preprocessor

After entering your Filters, click Preview.

The form displays two grids: 

  • The top grid, labeled Records To Be Bundled shows the final/substituted codes.
  • The bottom grid, labeled Base Records displays which Line Items are included in the Records To Be Bundled.

Generate in the Services Preprocessor

After reviewing the Previewed Records, click Generate. A pop-up will let you know how many Records have been Generated.

To complete the process for the new Bundled Activity Code, the Services must be Recalced to a Bill Status of 0 to create a Line Item for the Bundled Activity Code.