Add, Edit, or Remove a Client's Pharmacy in DrFirst

Path: Main Menu > Treatment Planning Menu > Medication Plan > DrFirst button


Within DrFirst you are able to set a client's default pharmacy, add additional pharmacies to the client list and delete pharmacies from the client list.

Set a Client's Default Pharmacy

From within DrFirst, if a default pharmacy has not been selected for a client, there will be a red message at the top of the window that says, “No pharmacy is selected for this patient. Please set the default pharmacy”.

  1. Navigate to DrFirst by following the path above.
  2. Click the Please set the default pharmacy link at the top of the Patient Summary or in the Patient section, click the Search icon to search for a Pharmacy.


  1. Within the Select Pharmacy section, select one of the following radio buttons:
  • Practice List: search for a pharmacy in your Agency Pharmacy favorites list.
  • Favorites List: search for a pharmacy in your own personal pharmacy favorites list.
  • All Lists: search all pharmacies in the database.
  1. (Optional) Select the checkbox(es) of the Pharmacy Type to narrow down your search.
  2. (Optional) Select the checkbox(es) of the Pharmacy Options to narrow down your search.
  3. Enter any combination of Name, Address, City, State, Zip, Phone, and Fax.

  1. Click the Search button.
  2. Select the pharmacy to add to the client's list.

Note: If additional pharmacies are added to the client list, the last one that is added is set as the default. To set another pharmacy as default, click the Pharmacy drop-down and select the pharmacy from the client's list. A message is displayed that the default pharmacy was updated.

Add Additional Pharmacies for a Client

  1. Within DrFirst, from the Patient section of the Patient Summary, click on the Search button.

  1. Follow Steps 3-8 in Set a Client's Default Pharmacy.

Note: After the pharmacy is added to the client's list, it is automatically set as default. To set another pharmacy as default, click the Pharmacy drop-down and select the pharmacy from the client's list. A message is displayed that the default pharmacy was updated.

Remove a Pharmacy for a Client

  1. Within DrFirst, from the Patient section of the Patient Summary, click on the Pharmacy drop-down and select a pharmacy.
  2. Click the Remove Patient Pharmacy button.

  1. A prompt is displayed, "Are you certain that you wish to remove this pharmacy from the patient's list?" Click the Confirm Delete button.