Link Programs to Billing Engine


Programs in NextStep Clinical can be linked to the NSS Billing Engine by completing the Billing Configuration setup in the Program. Follow the steps below to link a Program to Billing or add a new Program link.

Link a Program to Billing Engine

  1. Navigate to Program setup: Main Menu > Admin Tools Menu > Treatment Plan Template Setup > Add/Edit Programs radio button > Continue button.
  2. Select the Program to link to Billing and click the Edit button, or, if you are creating a new Program, click the Add New button.
  3. In the Billing Configuration section of the window, use the drop-down to select the Program to link to Billing. The Program will be updated once the user clicks the Save Changes (or Add Program if creating a new Program) button located at the bottom of the window.

  1. To create a new Program to link to Billing:
  1. Type the name of the Program you want to link in the Program field.
  2. Click outside of the Program field. A confirmation window is displayed. Click Yes to create the Program. The Program will be created and linked to Billing once the user clicks the Save Changes (or Add Program if creating a new Program) button located at the bottom of the window.

Unlink a Program

  1. Navigate to Program setup: Main Menu > Admin Tools Menu > Treatment Plan Template Setup > Add/Edit Programs radio button > Continue button.
  2. Select the Program that needs to be unlinked.
  3. In the Billing Configuration section of the window, click the X in the Program field. A confirmation window is displayed confirming the unlinking. Click Yes to unlink the Program. The change is saved once the user clicks the Save Changes button located at the bottom of the window.