Create, Update, and Remove an Activity Code Bundle

Path: Maintenance and Setup > Activity Codes > Activity Code Bundle Setup


The Activity Code Service Bundle Form is used to set up Activity Codes to be bundled together or replaced to create one billable service. The Activity Code Service Bundle List will show you all of the bundle rules you have created. Below are the steps to create new bundles, update existing bundles, or remove unused bundles.

Create a New Activity Code Bundle

  1. Navigate to the path above to open the Activity Code Service Bundle List.
  2. Click the Ok button.
  3. The Activity Code Service Bundle Form opens. Click the Add button.
  4. Fill out the fields as appropriate. The required fields are Base Code or Group, Priority Order, and Bundled Activity Code. See the description below for more information on each field.
  5. Click Save.





Base Code or Group * 

*This is a required field.

This allows you to select whether the base activity code will be a single code or a group of codes.


(not pictured)
Code or Group Dropdown  * 

*This is a required field.

Once the dropdown selection of #1 is made, this dropdown will appear with either a list of Codes or Code Groups. This list allows you to select the base activity for the services that will need to be bundled into the bundled service to be billed.

3Priority Order **This is a required field.
This allows you to prioritize the order in which Base Codes or Groups are run through the Services Preprocessor.
Example- If using Code Groups and a Code falls within multiple groupings, you can prioritize which group is the highest priority.


Groups can be set up in the Activity Code Billing Groups Form

Hyperlink to Activity Code Billing Groups Form if a code group needs to be set up.



This gives you a dropdown of all available Agencies in NSS billing. Select the Agency the bundle service would be applied to.



This gives you a dropdown of all available Programs in NSS Billing. Select the Program the bundle service would be applied to.


Party Type

This gives you a dropdown of all Party Types. Select the Party Type the bundle service would be applied to.

8Insurance ID

This gives you a dropdown of all available Insurance IDs. Select the Insurance ID the bundle service would be applied to.

9Service CountService Count MIN and MAX will dictate the Bundled Activity Code based on the number of services within the selected date range and filters in the Preprocessor.
10Unit CountUnit Count MIN and MAX will dictate the Bundled Activity Code based on the number of units dispensed within the selected date range and filters in the Preprocessor.
11Create separate services for non-consecutive daysWhen checked, the Services Preprocessor will create separate services for non-consecutive days.
12Use first Event Date as Start and End Date of Bundled ServiceWhen checked, the first Event Date will be used as the Start and End Date of the Bundled Service. 
13Bundle TimeWhen checked, the time on the bundled service will be the sum of times on all of the services being bundled together.
14Bundle UnitsWhen checked, the units on the bundled service will be the sum of units on all of the services being bundled together.
15DailyWhen checked, the Services Preprocessor will create one bundled service per day for the date range entered.
16Bundled Activity Code **This is a required field.
Enter the activity code that will be associated with the new bundled service that will be billed.
17ModifierModifier for the bundled code. This will add on to any other modifiers already set up.
18DiagnosisDiagnosis for the bundled code. This will override the current diagnosis to become the primary diagnosis billed on the claim.

Update an Activity Code Bundle

  1. Navigate to the path above to open the Activity Code Service Bundle List.
  2. Select an Activity Code Service Bundle.
  3. Click the Ok button.
  4. The Activity Code Service Bundle Form opens with the selected Activity code service bundle information populated. Click the Edit button.
  5. Make any necessary changes to the setup.
  6. Click Save.

Remove an Activity Code Bundle

  1. Navigate to the path above to open the Activity Code Service Bundle List.
  2. Select an Activity Code Service Bundle.
  3. Click the Ok button.
  4. The Activity Code Service Bundle Form opens with the selected Activity code service bundle information populated. Click the Delete button.